About us

Host.so is a relatively young web hosting company that was established in 2018. Since 2024, we have been part of NUXOA GmbH. We rely on a high degree of automation to provide our customers with fast and simple processes.

Would you like to order a product? You can do so with just a few clicks! Our system then automatically sets up your product within seconds and provides you with your access data. Have your plans changed? No problem, simply cancel the product with a click in the customer area. Or switch to another product that better suits your needs - this also happens automatically and is completed within seconds. This allows you to scale quickly in case of any problems, without having to wait for anyone.

Despite all the automation, individual problems must not be forgotten. We use the time we save to provide excellent support. You can reach our support around the clock via email. In most cases, you'll receive a response within minutes to hours. We do not use any text modules. Why not simply test our support and see for yourself!