Terms of service

§ 1 Scope and Provider

(1) The General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "AGB") govern the contractual relationship between Host.so (hereinafter referred to as the Provider) and you (hereinafter referred to as the Customer), in their version valid at the time of contract conclusion.

(2) Deviating terms and conditions of the Customer are rejected.
Please read these conditions carefully before using any services from Host.so.

(3) On Host.so, we offer you the following services: web space, cloud storage, servers, and domain names.

§ 2 Conclusion of Contract

(1) Contracts on this platform can only be concluded in the German language.

(2) The Customer must have reached the age of 18.

(3) Access to the use of Host.so services requires registration.

(4) By registering, the Customer acknowledges the present AGB. Registration establishes a contractual relationship between Host.so and the registered Customer, governed by the provisions of these AGB.

(5) The presentation of the service on the website does not constitute a legally binding offer. The presentation of the service merely invites the customer to make an offer.

(6) By ordering a paid service, the registered Customer enters into another contractual relationship with Host.so, separate from the registration. The user is informed about the respective paid service and payment conditions before concluding this contractual relationship. The contractual relationship is established when the Customer confirms the order and payment obligation by clicking the "Order with Payment Obligation" button.

(7) You agree to receive invoices electronically. Electronic invoices will be provided to you via email or in the customer account on the website.

§ 3 Prices

(1) Registration is initially required to use Host.so.

(2) To purchase services from the website, the user must register and create a user account.

(3) If the user wants to use a paid service, they will be informed in advance about the costs, including the specific additional scope of services, the associated costs, and the payment method.

(4) The provider reserves the right to calculate different fee models for various booking times and user groups, especially for different usage periods and service scopes.

§ 4 Payment Conditions

(1) Any fees are to be paid in advance without deduction to Host.so.

(2) A paid service automatically extends for the booked period (subscription) unless canceled by phone, email, or letter.

(3) Certain payment methods may be excluded by the provider in individual cases.

(4) The Customer is not allowed to pay for the service by sending cash or checks.

(5) If the Customer chooses an online payment method, the Customer authorizes the Provider to collect the due amounts at the time of the order.

(6) If the Customer is in default with payment, the Provider reserves the right to claim damages for delay.

(7) Transactions can be carried out using the following payment methods: Paypal, Sofortüberweisung.

§ 5 Registration and Termination

(1) A user account is intended for the sole and personal use of the user, and the user may not authorize third parties to use this account. A user may not transfer their account to third parties.

(2) A user is, subject to reservation, entitled to deregister in writing by post, email, or telephone at any time without giving reasons. The previously concluded contractual relationship is thereby terminated.

(3) If a user has registered for a paid service, they can cancel at any time. Cancellation is possible by email or letter and will be confirmed in writing by us. To allocate your cancellation, the complete name, the registered email address, and the customer's address should be provided.

(4) Host.so may terminate the contract at its discretion, with or without prior notice and without giving reasons, at any time. Host.so also reserves the right to remove profiles and/or any content published on the website by or from the user. If Host.so terminates the user's registration and/or removes the user's profiles or published content, Host.so is not obligated to inform the user about the reason for termination or removal.

(5) After the termination of any individual use of Host.so services, Host.so reserves the right to send information about it to other registered users with whom Host.so assumes the user had contact. The decision by Host.so to terminate the user's registration and/or notify other users with whom Host.so assumes the user had contact does not imply or make any statements about the individual character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or lifestyle of the user.

(6) Users are obliged not to make intentional or fraudulent false statements in their profile and other areas of the portal. Such statements may result in civil legal action. The operator also reserves the right, in such a case, to terminate the existing contractual relationship with immediate effect.

(7) If a user's access is blocked due to a culpable contractual violation, and/or the contractual relationship is terminated, the user must pay damages for the remaining contract term in the amount of the agreed fee minus the saved expenses. The amount of the saved expenses is lump-sum set at 10% of the fee. Both parties are not precluded from proving that the damage and/or the saved expenses are actually higher or lower.

(8) After termination of the contractual relationship, all user data will be deleted by Host.so.

§ 6 Limitation of Liability (Services)

(1) Host.so assumes no responsibility for the content and accuracy of the information in the registration and profile data of the customers, as well as other content generated by the customers.

(2) Regarding the sought or offered service, the contract is exclusively concluded between the respective participating customers. Therefore, Host.so

Last modification: 2019/01/06